All Crop Watch news

Agronomists from all areas of the UK report weekly on their crop management from establishment to harvest. Keep up-to-date with their progress and the latest crop developments as the growing season progresses and key decisions on disease, pest and weed control have to be made.


Crop Watch: Pre-harvest desiccation and beet disease

With harvest approaching, thoughts turn to pre-harvest glyphosate applications and whether they are needed in winter barley, although most oilseed rape crops will be sprayed. Glyphosate is also a good…


Crop Watch: Recent rain helps ease pressure on dry crops

Thoughts are now turning to harvest, with most winter cereals looking in a good condition as T3 wheat fungicides and liquid nitrogen fertiliser being applied on milling wheats. On the…


Crop Watch: Thunderstorms wash away maize and bean disease

While the recent rain is welcome, it means fusarium pressure will be high in wheat, and some maize crops have been washed away in the thunderstorms. Thoughts are turning to…


Crop Watch: Brome problems and rising wheat disease pressure

June is the time when grassweed problems become more evident, with ears above cereal crops, and bromes are proving to be a headache this summer, both in Scotland and the…


Crop Watch: Rain fuels weed growth and raises blight risk

Spring crops are seeing the greatest benefit from the recent rains, but some on heavier ground in the South West are looking patchy. Rain has also sparked the arrival of…


Crop Watch: Spring crops need water, weed control tricky

Autumn-sown crops are racing ahead through their growth stage, while spring-drilled ones are still largely short of water and could do with a good rain shower or two. Yield potential…


Crop Watch: Winter barley ears emerge and stressed wheats

With no real rain in the forecast, concerns are growing with some crops already showing signs of stress due to the lack of moisture. Spring crops also will soon need…


Crop Watch: Weevil problems and too dry for spring crops

Seed weevil pressure is high this season and, coupled with dry conditions, means some spring bean and pea crops are struggling to get away. Dry conditions are affecting spring crops,…


Crop Watch: Good crop potential despite lack of April rain

Maize drilling has started in the South West, although soils are barely warm enough. The lack of rain is also a concern, as looks like a repeat of last year’s…


Crop Watch: Mildew in winter oats and pesky weevils in beans

We are now in a dry spell and the cold nights have slowed growth. Winter wheat crops are full of potential, and the coming weeks will be critical to deliver…


Crop Watch: Flowering OSR sprays and spring crop optimism

Crops are looking full of potential and the warmer temperatures forecast this week could see a rising disease risk. There is also optimism with spring crops which have been established…


Crop Watch: Frosts return as OSR starts to flower

A return of more wintery conditions has put the brakes on crop growth, with some OSR crops starting to flower as the frosts return. Wheat crops are approaching their T1…


Crop Watch: Spring sun brings rising disease pressure

Last week’s fine weather and unseasonably warm temperatures in most parts of the UK allowed much progress in spring drilling and other fieldwork. The warmth has also accelerated growth of…


Crop Watch: Spring drilling and sulphur fertiliser

Daytime temperatures are feeling much more spring-like this week and growers’ drill are out in force. Wheat crops in the north have begun stem extension and the volatility in markets…


Crop Watch: Rust and septoria in some wheat crops

Septoria and yellow rust can be found in some wheat crops, while in the west, there has been plenty of mildew through the winter.  Oilseed rape crops are moving into…


Crop Watch: Hybrid barleys approaching T0 in South-West

Some cereal crops have already received their early nitrogen fertiliser applications, and barleys are starting to show the benefits. However, high fertiliser prices are denting some of the optimism, especially…