Know How / Sheep / Health and welfare

Poor flock health undermines productivity and causes welfare issues. Read the latest thinking on treatments for foot-rot, worms and fly strike along with veterinary advice on diseases such as Schmallenberg and liver fluke, as well as lambing issues including twin lamb disease, abortion, watery mouth and hypothermia.

Case studies


How farmer lambs 1,000 ewes inside without oral antibiotics

Diligence around lambing shed hygiene and ewe body condition scoring have allowed a Wiltshire flock to get through four lambings without a single dose of oral antibiotics. Martin Tobutt and…


How a sheep farmer cut OPA disease cases by two-thirds

A combination of culling, ultrasound scanning and tighter biosecurity has cut cases of ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma (OPA) by two-thirds on a Monmouthshire sheep farm. From a high of 11.6%, prevalence…


How a Stirlingshire flock added £331/ha to lamb cheque

Eradicating an iceberg disease and ensuring grass is available at tupping and lambing has seen a 1,000-head flock lift output by 150 lambs a year since 2016. It has been…


Housing and hygiene tweaks help cut cases of ewe mastitis

Improvements in management and housing on a Welsh sheep farm have helped cut mastitis rates by one-third. Mastitis had been a major cause of losses in Ryan Morris’ flock of…


How farmer has reduced lameness to 2% in open flock

The Mouland family have reduced lameness from 10% to 2% and cut antibiotic use by 30% by addressing the challenge of operating an open flock proactively. Michael, Jo and their…


Estate flock halves feed cost and lifts scan rate to 186%

A major system overhaul on a lowland estate has lifted scanning rates and cut bought-in feed costs by £6.28 a ewe over the past five years. The team at Overbury…

Practical advice

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Sheep vaccines: 5 steps to using them effectively

Vaccinations in sheep play a key role in protecting flock health, and in most flocks will be crucial to ensure productivity and profitability. A huge number of vaccines is available…


3 ways to cut lamb worm risk at weaning

Sheep farmers trying to make the most of grass to counteract sky-high concentrate prices are advised to be vigilant for parasites in lambs post-weaning. Grazing grass can put lambs at…


Shortages of key vaccines threaten flock health

Shepherds are currently facing supply shortages of the vaccines Heptavac P Plus and Footvax. Manufacturer MSD Animal Health said stock disruption was being caused by “logistics and regulatory challenges in…


How to tailor flystrike controls to flock setup

The season for flystrike will lengthen as the climate gets warmer. This will affect the timing of preventative chemical controls for ewes and lambs. It was once rare for flocks…


How to get the most from a Defra sheep health and welfare review

Preparing flock performance figures for the new state-funded vet consultation will help sheep farmers get the most out of their Animal Health and Welfare Pathway visit. Animal health experts say…


Top livestock cross-compliance breaches and how to avoid them

Failings in cattle and sheep identification and animal welfare issues topped the league table of cross-compliance breaches in 2020, provisional inspection results show. Of more than 8,140 Basic Payment Scheme…



Livestock Medicine Hub - what it's for and how it can help

A new database that enables farms to record, monitor and benchmark their antibiotics use has been developed by representatives from across the ruminant sector. Medicine Hub is available now and…


Why health gains cut ruminant methane emissions by 10%

Three classic livestock benchmarking targets can help sheep and cattle farms raise technical performance and meet obligatory methane goals to battle climate change. Livestock policy leaders are urging farmers to…


Coccidiosis project raises hope for new treatment

Coccidiosis is a perennial parasitic problem in growing lambs. It presents some difficulties in diagnosis, treatment and prevention – but good news could be around the corner.  Lambs and calves…


Video: Fluke video gives powerful insight into parasite

A video documenting the different stages of the harmful liver fluke parasite has been made to help farmers understand its complex life cycle. The video (below) shows the liver fluke…


Vet survey reveals serious challenges ahead for profession

Poor retention and recruitment rates, Brexit and dissatisfaction in the industry could see a shortage of farm vets in the future if action isn’t taken.  Farmers Weekly carried out a…


Why a spring spike in dead lambs occurs despite vaccinations

A spike in pasteurella in dead lambs, aged five to eight weeks, has been seen again this spring despite farmers vaccinating ewes for the disease. Typically found in northern England…


Sheep lameness: The successes and remaining challenges

In 2012, Farmers Weekly launched the Stamp Out Lameness campaign after sheep lameness hit the government's radar when the Farm Animal Welfare Committee (FAWC) put forward an Opinion on Lameness…


4 ways to reduce sheep lameness to less than 2% by 2021

UK flocks have already worked hard to reduce lameness to less than 5% by 2016, but the next target set by the Farm Animal Welfare Committee (FAWC) is to reduce…


What changes to maedi visna scheme mean for sheep farmers

Changes to the maedi visna (MV) accreditation scheme mean stricter rules for MV-accredited flocks that are buying in stock or have non-accredited sheep at the same holding. The MV accreditation…


Video: How farmers are uniting to eradicate sheep scab

Sheep scab is a huge problem and if left untreated can affect a sheep's health and severely impact a sheep business. One mite is enough to spread the disease and…


Farm trial aims to solve risk of fluke-infected snails

A technique which identifies the presence of mud snails infected with fluke is being used to help Welsh farms determine fields posing the greatest risk to animals. The presence of…


How farmer-vet 'clubs' are improving flock health

The contact between sheep farmer and vet is often a once yearly affair focused on meeting flock health planning requirements, but a relatively new collaborative concept is forging stronger relationships…

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