Scotland’s Women in Agriculture training scheme to reopen

Scotland’s Women in Agriculture Practical Training Fund will reopen for applications shortly as new funding becomes available.

Lantra Scotland has encouraged women who would like funding for vocational, practical and technical training courses to register now on its website so they can be contacted once the fund is again operational.

The scheme will cover the cost of eligible training courses up to a maximum value of £500.

See also: Ag training fund expanded for Scots women

A total funding pot of £400,000 has been allocated by the Scottish government to deliver greater equality for women in agriculture and help young farmers with their business skills.

Since its launch last year, the fund has helped more than 750 women to attend practical training courses including tractor and trailer driving, sheepdog handling and chainsaw use.

However, demand proved to be so high that the funding ran out, forcing Lantra Scotland to temporarily close the scheme to applicants. 

The additional cash was announced at the Royal Highland Show.

Rural affairs secretary Mairi Gougeon said the future Women in Agriculture Business Skills Training project will also receive £100,000 a year for the next three years and there will be £40,000 for the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs to help board members develop their leadership skills.

“We want to see more women joining those who are already developing a career in Scottish agriculture, which is why it’s important women are given these opportunities in what has been a very male-dominated area,” she said.

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